How an Uninterrupted Power Supply Could Save Your Business

Uniterrupted Power Supply house

Perth has had some nasty storms recently, and power was cut to some of our clients. Without a functional Uninterrupted Power Supply device installed, businesses can potentially be crippled if the power surges or is suddenly cut.

In this blog, we share three benefits to having an Uninterrupted Power Supply device for your business.

1. Uninterrupted Power

Uninterrupted Power Supply’s, or UPS’s for short, do exactly what their name suggests – they supply power in case of a power outage, surge, or spike. The UPS kicks in and provides power instantly. By instantly kicking in when there is a primary power failure, the UPS ensures that any devices connected continue to operate instead of powering down which may cause disruption to your business operations. In this way, it ensures smooth operational functioning at all times.

2. Protect Equipment

Computers are delicate, and suddenly cutting power to them can cause any number of issues, some easily fixable and others not at all. Your server is one of the most important things in your business, and if that was to be damaged from a surge or sudden power loss your business could be interrupted for a long time. 

The business range of UPS devices have the ability to safely power down any hardware they’re connected to. In the event of a power outage, your sever will be safely shut down and can be powered back on when the power returns. Don’t worry though – in the event of a surge, the UPS will just ensure the server remains operational!

3. Reduce Potential Loss of Data

Power fluctuations and interruptions can cause data on servers and computers to become corrupted or even deleted permanently. Any unsaved data will be lost, and in severe cases when the power surge affects the hardware of the computer, everything can be lost forever. Using a UPS allows time to safely save your work and shut down. An additional way to reduce data loss is using offsite backups, read more about them here.

UPS’s are highly recommended for all businesses. Partner with the experts at Rule Technology and keep your server and data safe in a power outage. Call us today on 1300 823 226 and get peace of mind that your data is in safe hands.

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